Laura and I feel we need something to blow the winter winds and rain away, and cheer us into Spring mode. To this end, we are going to bring out a small Spring Warmer issue, which will land mid-March 2025.
We will open for submissions at 7:00 AM on Jan 21st, and close at 5:30 PM on Jan 31st.
Check out our Submission Guidelines page.
We are looking for seven in each category of CNF, flash fiction, short stories and poetry, so send us your very best!
All submissions will be via the Duosuma Sumissions Manager, which is similar in operation to Submittable. This will allow us to better process your submission, and ensure fairness. All submissions will be blind-read.
You will need a free Duotrope account to make a submission.
The submission links and details of how to make a submission will follow in another post, prior to Jan 21st.
In further news (and we’re very excited about this), we are welcoming a peer reading team to Frazzled Lit, to help us select the best pieces for the issue. All three are talented and accomplished writers, and proven critical readers, and we know they will enhance Frazzled Lit and make it an even better home for your work!
Please give a big Frazzled welcome to:
Mike Murray
Mike Murray is a working class London/Irish born writer, producing novels, short stories, creative non-fiction and occasionally poetry.
He was a winner of the 2022 Irish Writer's Centre Novel Fair, was Highly Commended in the same competition in 2024, and was a finalist of the Jericho Writers First 500 in 2024. He also won the Book Edit Writers' Prize 2024 and was shortlisted for the Fish Memoir 2024. His work has been published in Frazzled Lit, the Parracombe Prize, The Gaia Papers, Quay Voices, Cabinet of Heed, Here Comes Everyone, Honest Ulsterman, Envoi and other lit mags.
He lives, writes, walks and runs in North Devon.
Kerry Byrne
Kerry Byrne lives and writes in the Fens, with a backdrop of sky-filled water and endless horizon. Her work has appeared in Ellipsis Zine, FlashFlood, Frazzled Lit, Lucy Writers, Pidgeonholes, Roi Fainéant Press and streetcake magazine, among other fine places, with her fiction nominated for Best of the Net. Kerry holds a master’s in creative writing with distinction from Glasgow University.
Find her on Twitter @kerry__byrne and Bluesky
Seán McNicholl
Seán McNicholl is an Irish GP who enjoys writing short stories in a variety of genres. He is a two-time Pushcart Prize nominee, and has been nominated for Best of the Net (BOTN) 2024, and Best Microfiction 2025. He has been published in Beyond Words, Raw Lit, Frazzled Lit, Belfast Review and Intrepidus Ink, among others.
For more: